Fall Women’s Retreat Oct 21, 2023

Do you need to slow down, savor a warm beverage while chatting with friends, and enjoy time with God? Then join us at Cozy Mountain Lodge! It's a mountain lodge-themed retreat you won't want to miss! Saturday, October 21, 2023....

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GEMS Backpack Collection

HAPPY SUMMER GEMS™:  Calling all GEMS™ as we begin collecting backpacks and school supplies for the children of HOPE SOUTH FLORIDA.  As in past years, you can help in several ways:  If you want to do the shopping here is a list of what is...

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Growing With Grace Newsletter, July 2023

Growing_with_grace_Monthly_Newsletter__July_2023Download Greetings, Family and Friends of Grace Wesleyan! Attached please find the July issue of the "Growing With Grace" newsletter.  As always, when you are viewing the document, all links/email addresses are active.  Simply click on the email address or web...

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July Events and Studies at Grace Wesleyan


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Helping Hands Food Drive, July 2023

Dates: 7/1, Winn Dixie Margate 7/8, Winn Dixie Davie 7/22, Winn Dixie Plantation Details: Contact Donna or Patrick McCarthy 954-487-8514Volunteer times 10:00-1:00 and 12:30-3:30

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Next Habitat for Humanity…a note from Kathleen and Art

Happy Saturday to all of you! We hope you are staying cool in this magnificent weather. The next Habitat for Humanity Build for our group is on Saturday, July 8th2023. We will continue at the Rick Case site and will in all...

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Emmaus Gathering 6/10

Emmaus Gathering at Grace Wesleyan 7pm on 6/10/23 Family Life CenterBring a Dish to share

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Helping Hands Food Drive, June 2023

Dates: 6/3, Winn Dixie Margate 6/10, Winn Dixie Davie 6/17, Winn Dixie Plantation Details: Contact Donna or Patrick McCarthy 954-487-8514Volunteer times 10:00-1:00 and 12:30-3:30

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