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sharing Christ's love, grace and redemption with all.

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Christmas Eve services 6pm – Family and Candlelight service 10pm – Candlelight and Holy Communion service No services on Christmas Day, to honor Our Savior,...

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“The Angels of Christmas” by Rev. Susan Robb Mondays in December, 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 7:00pm in the sanctuary Grace Wesleyan Women’s “Share the Sweets”...

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Gifts for 7 kids are still needed for the Adopt a Child for Christmas program. Contact Donna McCarthy at 954-629-3647 if you are interested in...

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DAY AT THE PARK 12-4 PM @ Bayview Park Come spend the afternoon with our church and meet our neighbors. Hamburgers & hot dogs will...

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Greetings, Family and Friends of Grace Wesleyan! Attached please find the July issue of the “Growing With Grace” newsletter.  As always, when you are viewing...

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Greetings! Attached please find the May 2023 newsletter for Grace Wesleyan Church! Grace and peace to you, Rev. Annette Rhodes...

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Greetings! Attached please find the March issue of the “Growing With Grace” newsletter. All internet links, found underlined and blue in color, are active. You...

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Greetings! Attached please find this month’s edition of Growing with Grace! Please share with family, friends, and others who are interested in what is happening...

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Greetings! Please find the attached January Growing with Grace Newsletter. Please enjoy and share with family and friends! Printed copies will be available at worship...

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Greetings! Attached please find the December edition of our Growing with Grace newsletter! Have a WONDERFUL DAY!!! Grace and peace, Annette Rhodes...

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