Greetings Friends!
This note is to give you a head’s up for this weekend. First, we will have a guest, Cherie Wachter, from the Human Society of Broward County. We have been passing out the attached information sheet with the things they need. As you are able, please bring any items you have been able to get for them. Of course, you may also make an above and beyond gift for them as you are led.
Tonight we will be sharing the Lord’s Supper, so bring your heart prepared to meet Christ in the sacrament!
After the services tonight and in the morning we will continue our “Contagious Christian” study. We are in week #5 and have only one more session after this…we will wrap up on Palm Sunday. This has been a wonderful opportunity for us to see our walk with Christ as a way to share what we have experienced so others can learn about Christ just as we have!
Please remember to share the Holy Week schedule for our services beginning April 9th & 10th as things kick off with Palm Sunday, Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem! We will have a Holy Thursday service on April 14th at 7pm with Holy Communion. Next up is Good Friday, April 15th, and our service will be at 6pm that evening. Easter will be celebrated on Saturday, April 16th and Sunday, April 17th. Please make plans to invite your neighbors, friends, family, and anyone you meet to our services! We have placed ads in the neighborhood magazines and we have the attached flyer to hand out. We have some of these printed and they will be available to pick up at our services. This is a great way to practice your own hand at inviting others to come worship with us and to meet the awesome people at Grace Wesleyan!
I look forward to seeing you this weekend!
Grace and peace,
Pastor Myron