Greetings, Grace Wesleyan Family!

We are pleased to remind you that we will have a special guest bringing the Gospel message to us this weekend, 1/29 and 1/30! Rev. Dr. Ted Greer, CEO of Hope South Florida (and a former pastor) will be bringing a hope filled message to us!

Please make plans to attend this weekend, and bring a friend to Grace Wesleyan Saturday evening at 6pm or Sunday morning at 930am!

We are grateful to Dr. Greer and all the folks at Hope South Florida for being the hands, feet, and heart of Christ to the most needy and vulnerable in our community. Please support them with your presence this weekend at our services! You can perhaps have a coffee and some brief conversation with Dr. Greer as well! Who knows?

Hope you are having a marvelous week!

Grace and peace,

Pastor Myron