classes & studies

classes & studies
Spiritual development is a vital part of our community. Current opportunities are described below. Join us as a fellow disciple!
men’s group bible study and accountability
Mondays at 7:00 PMThis group is for men who want to grow as faithful followers of Christ. The current study is on the Book of Romans and is led by laity. The focus is on what the Bible teaches us about being faithful followers of Christ and how we learn to experience, accept, and give God’s grace through Christ. The accountability portion is focused on our intentional efforts to improve our relationship with Christ as disciples through worship, study, service, and fellowship with other believers as we welcome persons to discover the redemption offered by Christ.
pastor's weekly bible study
Tuesday evenings, 7:00 pm, sanctuary
This study is pastor led, but participant driven. We currently are studying the Book of Matthew. This study involves reading and discussion in the form of Acts 2:42 where the early Christians listened to the apostle’s teachings (for us today, we read the apostle’s words) and fellowshipped (that means they discussed what they understood the apostles to be saying). We also pray together. This study is offered on Zoom live as well as in person. The discussions are often lively and everyone is encouraged to take part in reading and the discussions. Everyone who attends has space to share and grow in understanding of how the Holy Spirit is revealing God, us, and the story of God’s relationships with humans throughout time right through to today. All are welcome!
study on John Wesley
Every other Thursday, sanctuary. Email for info on the next meeting
This study will focus on the sermons, personal notes, actions, and doctrinal theology of one of the greatest preacher/teacher/evangelist theologians of the last 400 years. John Wesley is known as the founder of the “Methodist” movement in the mid-1700’s. His efforts to recapture the spiritual gifts and power from the first couple of centuries of Christianity resulted in the largest non-Roman Catholic denomination in the United States through the early 20th century. Our goal is to find out what it was that Wesley discovered and used to launch his movement so that we too might launch a new, spirit-led Christian expression here in Fort Lauderdale that emphasizes Scripture, welcomes the Holy Spirit, and follows Jesus Christ as He commanded us to do. Just as Jesus was counter-cultural in his day, John Wesley was counter-cultural in his time. If we are to be disciples who truly represent Christ, we must also live into the counter-cultural message that Christ brought into the world to resist sin and turn from it to follow God.