Hello Grace family and friends,
What a beautiful summer it was!
The youth assisted Helping Hands collecting food, made and served lunch at Hope South Florida and put together backpacks for the GEMS and Hope. Blessings accomplished!
Now we are off to a new school year and our first stop was visiting Community Church of Davie. We spent time with Lauren Didriksen and her crew, laughing and playing water games. Saturdays and Sundays have not disappointed. Jacob, Raul, Alejandro, William and Parker have been visiting during service. Blessings keep coming!
Looking ahead Grace will be hosting one Friday night a month for youth to get together and fellowship. The first get together will be September 16, from 6 to 8 pm in Shepherd of the Coast gym: Disco dodgeball and eats. We are looking forward to more visiting, and visits from, our friends from Community Church of Davie and youth from Shepherd of the Coast. Blessings ahead…
Upcoming Friday Get Togethers and Loving Lessons:
- September 16 Dodgeball
- October TBA Weird science
- Fall Festival TBA
- November 18 Gratitude scavenger hunt
- December 16 Christmas Carol charades and movie
All youth are welcome! Tell your friends, neighbors, and family members!
Let me know if you want to join us!
Grace and Peace,
Mimi Rutherford