Greetings, Family and Friends of Grace Wesleyan!
Our next opportunity to be the hands, feet, and heart of Christ to the community is coming next Saturday, April 9th as we participate in the next Habitat for Humanity build!
Attached are the instructions for the build, a map, and the appropriate volunteer form. If you have not completed a volunteer form for 2022, please print and complete it and bring it with you. We will have all of these forms to hand out at services tonight and tomorrow.
Also, we have tee shirts for the build! If you have not had the opportunity to get your Grace Wesleyan tee shirt, we will have them at services this weekend! If you are unable to attend the services, but plan to attend the build, please reply to this email and I will make arrangements with you to get you a shirt! We want to represent Christ and Grace Wesleyan, and we have both white and navy shirts. Some have expressed they prefer the dark shirt for purposes of it getting dirty, and others want the cooler white shirt. You have a choice!
Thank you to all those whose hearts lead them to this great outreach program.
If you have any questions, please let me know!
Grace and peace,
Pastor Myron